FrogID Week

Croaks, whistles, bleats and barks - every frog species makes a different sound! Discover which frogs live in our area and help us count Australia's frogs!

  • When
    Friday 12 November - Sunday 21 November 2021
  • Where
    Your Local Environment
  • Website

Frogs are a sign of a healthy environment, but around Australia frogs are declining and many are endangered. By counting Australia's frogs we can learn more about where they are and how they're doing.

FrogID Week is Australia’s Biggest Frog Count, held annually for Australians to help record frog calls through the free FrogID app, as a measurement of frog health and distribution around the nation. It aims to monitor frog distributions over time, helping us to understand how frogs and their ecosystems are responding to a changing planet.

Download the app

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